Dr Deborah Jennings

Dr Deborah Jennings

Consultant Gynaecologist


Specialises in

  • Menstrual disorders and post-menopausal problems
  • Vulval disorders and lesions
  • Hysteroscopy procedure
  • Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) for women

I specialise in benign gynaecology, outpatient gynaecological procedures, hysteroscopic procedures including endometrial ablation, menstrual disorders, Mirena insertion and removal of Mirenas and IUCDs, menopausal disorders, vulval skin conditions, contraception advice, pelvic floor problems including assessment and insertion of pessaries.

After completing my degree and clinical training in Oxford I embarked on a career in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. I trained primarily in London and particularly in the South East Thames region with a year as a registrar in Australia. I was appointed as a consultant at Southend University Hospital in 2000 and have worked there ever since.

At Southend I have been involved in setting up the highly successful vulval service which runs regularly and have always seen a significant number of children and adolescents. I also set up an outpatient procedure clinic over 10 years ago and was involved in endometrial ablation from its inception at Southend.

Over the years I have developed a good rapport with colleagues from other specialties so that when the need arises, patients can be seen appropriately and quickly. Discussion of options for benign gynaecological conditions is essential for patients and I have an interest in these, particularly menstrual disturbance, menopausal issues, prolapse and incontinence issues.

I welcome appropriate patients wishing to refer and pay for treatment themselves without the need for a GP letter of referral.


General Medical Council Number: 3267730

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Deborah Jennings at Spire include:


Other treatments

  • Cervical smear
  • Gynaecological biopsies
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
  • Menorrhagia
  • Menstrual disorders and post-menopausal problems
  • Mirena coil
  • Prolapse
  • Vulval disorders
  • Vulval lesion excision

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Important information about Covid-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Wellesley Hospital.


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Additional information

Gynaecology and/or obstetrics
Menstrual disorders
Post menopausal problems

Special clinical interests: Physiotherapy for female health.

MRCOG / London / 1988
Member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

BMBCh / Oxford / 1988
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery

MA(Oxon) / Merton College, Oxford / 1998
University of Oxford Masters degree

Specialist Register / GMC / 1999
A register of doctors who are eligible for appointment as substantive, fixed term or honorary consultants in the health service in the UK

Professional memberships

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Health Career Scholars Academy


Professional leadership

Joint Vulval Clinic at Southend Hospital, Maternal Medicine Clinic at Southend Hospital

Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

I have a daughter who is at university. We enjoy travelling and wildlife and I also enjoy cooking, reading, wine and history, with the trips encompassing our interests. As a single mother my life is always busy but I live it to the full and find all aspects rewarding. The other indulgence is our massive cat - a Norwegian Forest that thinks she's a dog.

With respect to my professional life I am known to be blunt and down-to-earth and believe that in the majority of circumstances I have a good rapport with patients.

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