Mr Mohamed Abd Alazeez

Mr Mohamed Abd Alazeez

Consultant Urologist

MB BCH, MSc(Urol), MRCS(Eng), MD(Res), FRCS(Urol)

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Specialises in

  • Prostate cancer
  • Bladder cancer
  • Lower urinary tract symptoms
  • Inguinoscrotal conditions
  • General urology

My main areas of expertise are in prostate and bladder cancer diagnostics and treatment, together with general urology. My sub-specialty interest is in robotic uro-oncology, such as robotic prostatectomy and robotic cystectomy.

I am also experienced in treating patients with benign prostatic enlargement and inguino-scrotal urological conditions. I started as a urology consultant in 2019 following years of intensive training in urology between Egypt and the UK.

I have performed over 500 robotic procedures in the UK, using the Da Vinci Robot. I mastered nerve sparing techniques in Robotic Prostatectomy operation and my outcomes with early continence and erectile function recovery are good. I also do 'Salvage Robotic Prostatectomy' for patients who had failure of their initial non-surgical prostate cancer treatment.

I introduced day case robotic prostatectomy services in Essex, which has been received very well by my patients.

I had my basic training in urology back in Egypt, where I finished my masters degree. I then moved to the UK where I finished my MD(Res) successfully at UCL in 2015. This was over the role of multiparametric MRI in the diagnosis of prostate cancer.

I worked at tertiary referral centres in the UK, such as UCLH, Bristol and Cambridge University Hospital. I completed my RCS fellowship in robotic prostatectomy at Addenbrooke's hospital in Cambridge.

I keep myself up-to-date with diagnostic and treatment techniques for various urological conditions, and more specifically urological cancer. This is through attending and sharing in national, as well as international, conferences and webinars. I strive to provide the best possible care to my patients.


General Medical Council Number: 7063518

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Mohamed Abd Alazeez at Spire include:


Other treatments

  • General urology
  • Inguino-scrotal swellings
  • Prostate and bladder cancer investigations and treatment
  • Robotic (nerve sparing and non-nerve sparing) prostatectomy and cystectomy

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Important information about Covid-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Wellesley Hospital.


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Additional information

MB BCH / Cairo University, Egypt / 2000
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery

MSc(Urol) / Cairo University, Egypt / 2006
Masters Degree in Urology

MRCS (Eng) / UK / 2009
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons

MD(Res) / University College London / 2015
Postgraduate research degree for medically qualified professionals

FRCS(Urol) / Royal College of Surgeons, London / 2017
Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons

Professional memberships

European Association of Urology (EAU)

Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCSeng)

British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS)

Arab Association of Urology (AAU)

Professional leadership

Robotic Governance Lead at Southend University Hospital

Consultant Urologist, Mid and South Essex University Hospitals, NHS Foundation Trust

I enjoy gardening! I also enjoy travelling around the world exploring different countries.

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Telephone 01702 447 926
Private secretary Alex Krastanov
Private secretary telephone 0203 880 7100
Private secretary email