Spire Wellesley Hospital is awarded CAP Gold for Housekeeping for a second year | Wellesley Hospital | Spire Healthcare

Spire Wellesley Hospital is awarded CAP Gold for Housekeeping for a second year

04 June 2021

The Spire Wellesley Hospital is proud to announce that we have achieved the prestigious CAP Gold Award for Housekeeping for a second year following our second assessment within the Continuous Advancement Programme.

The unannounced visit took place on 12 November 2020 and was conducted by the CAP inspection team. CAP Chief Assessor, Ian Jackson, was delighted to confirm that the housekeeping department had been accredited to the GOLD CAP Award within this year’s programme: “Congratulations to all involved at retaining the Department’s and Hospital’s GOLD standing within the Housekeeping Programme.”

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