Hand Surgery in Southend-on-Sea, Essex | Spire Wellesley Hospital

Hand and carpal tunnel surgery Southend-on-Sea

We offer various hand surgery treatments from common conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome and Dupuytren's disease to problems caused by arthritis, rheumatism or injuries from falls.

Our modern hospital located in Southend-on-Sea provides highest levels of care led by orthopaedic consultant surgeons who are experts in their field.

Related specialties

  • Orthopaedics
  • Orthopaedics - hand and wrist

Why Spire?

  • Fast access to treatments, consultations and diagnosis
  • Internationally and nationally renowned consultants
  • Clear, inclusive pricing

Our hands are vital to how we live and being able to carry out everyday tasks - from dressing and feeding ourselves to earning a living. At Spire Healthcare, we offer the latest treatments for conditions that affect the use of your hands and wrists.

Your consultant and their team will help you choose the most effective treatment and they will be there to support you every step of the way. If surgery is needed, we practice the least invasive procedures to enable a faster recovery time and get you back to doing what you love.

Featured articles

Four common hand conditions and their treatments

Your hands are complex structures, which include an intricate network of ligaments, bones and muscles.

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Bones and joints

Osteoarthritis of the hands and wrist

Osteoarthritis of the hands and wrist can be a painful and restrictive condition to live with.

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Bones and joints

Maintaining healthy joints with an anti-inflammatory diet

Inflammation is your body’s reaction to foreign substances, such as pollen, chemicals and microbes (eg bacteria, viruses and fungi).

Read more
Bones and joints

Get in touch

Important information about Covid-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Wellesley Hospital.


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