An eyelid cyst is usually a lump or swelling on the upper or lower eyelid. While this type of cyst is usually painless, you may be unhappy with the way it makes you look and want it removed.

Why you might need it

An eyelid cyst is caused by an eyelid problem, such as a blockage in one of the glands that supplies fluid to lubricate the edge of your eyelid. Removing the cyst involves a minor operation under local anaesthesia.

You may have decided you want this procedure because you’re unhappy with the way your cyst makes your eye look or because it droops down into your eye, affecting your vision.

If you decide to have eyelid cyst removal surgery with us, you’ll be cared by an experienced multi-disciplinary care team.

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Who will do it?

Our patients are at the heart of what we do and we want you to be in control of your care. To us, that means you can choose the consultant you want to see and when you want. They’ll be with you every step of the way: from giving advice at your first consultation, through to offering on-going support after your surgery.

All of our cosmetic and eye surgeons are of the highest calibre and benefit from working in our modern, well equipped hospitals or clinics.  A cosmetic surgeon’s reputation, qualifications and experience are vitally important, so we only work with consultant grade specialists. These are highly experienced consultants who have completed years of medical training. All our consultants are on the specialist register of the General Medical Council (GMC), and many are also members of the UK’s leading cosmetic and plastic surgery associations.

Before your treatment

You will have a formal consultation with a healthcare professional. During this time you will be able to explain your medical history, symptoms and raise any concerns that you might have.

We will also discuss with you whether any further diagnostic tests, such as scans or blood tests, are needed. Any additional costs will be discussed before further tests are carried out.

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Preparing for your treatment

We've tried to make your experience with us as easy and relaxed as possible.

For more information on visiting hours, our food, what to pack if you're staying with us, parking and all those other important practicalities, please visit our patient information pages.

Our dedicated team will also give you tailored advice to follow in the run up to your visit.

The procedure

We understand that undergoing surgery can potentially be a time of anxiety and worry – even for the most common and relatively straightforward procedures like this one. Our experienced and caring medical staff will be there for you, holding your hand, every step of the way.

Eyelid cysts are usually removed in a minor operation under local anaesthesia. During the operation the eyelid is carefully turned inside out and a small instrument is placed over the cyst to hold it secure. The cyst is then cut and scraped away and the wound washed with salt (saline) solution.

Once the operation is over, antibiotic ointment will be applied to the wound and then your eye will be covered with a protective eye pad to keep the eye shut. The operation usually takes about 20 minutes and the cyst may be sent to a laboratory to examine the tissue.


Eyelid cyst removal surgery is routinely performed as a day case, so you won't need to stay with us overnight and can go home as soon as you're ready. Your sight won't be affected, but as you will be wearing an eye pad, you should arrange for someone to drive you home.

Pain relief

After surgery, your eyelid might be a little sore, bruised and swollen. If you need to, please take painkillers as advised by the hospital or clinic.

Recovery time

After eyelid cyst removal surgery, your consultant will advise you on how to make your recovery as quick as possible. You should avoid swimming until your consultant tells you it is safe for you to resume. You can remove the eye pad after two hours, or leave it on overnight if that feels more comfortable.

Before you go home, your nurse may give you antibiotic ointment to take with you. They will show you how to use it and give you advice about caring for your healing eye.

How your loved ones can help

Once you’re ready to be discharged, you’ll need to arrange a taxi, friend or family member to take you home as you won’t be able to drive.


Looking after you

Even after you’ve left us, we’re still looking after you every step of the way.

As with all medical treatments, complications following eyelid cyst removal surgery can occur but most people are unaffected. If you experience any of these symptoms – the healing wound becomes more painful or looks red, inflamed or swollen – please call us straight away.

We will talk to you about the possible risks and complications of having this procedure and how they apply to you.

If you have any questions or concerns, we're here to help.

Why choose Spire?

We are committed to delivering excellent individual care and customer service across our network of hospitals, clinics and specialist care centres around the UK. Our dedicated and highly trained team aim to achieve consistently excellent results. For us it's more than just treating patients, it's about looking after people.

Important to note

The treatment described on this page may be adapted to meet your individual needs, so it's important to follow your healthcare professional's advice and raise any questions that you may have with them.

Procedures carried out at one of our Spire Healthcare Clinics will be performed under local anaesthetic.

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