A small hole is made through the white part of your eye (sclera). This allows the natural aqueous fluid to drain freely under the skin of the eye (conjunctiva).

Why you might need it

Glaucoma is caused when there is damage to the optic nerve, caused either by raised eye pressure or weakness in the nerve. 

The eye needs ‘pressure’ to keep the eyeball in shape to make it work properly. 

Trabeculectomy reduces the eye pressure by draining aqueous humour from the eye, which can help to control your glaucoma.

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Who will do it?

Our patients are at the heart of what we do and we want you to be in control of your care. To us, that means you can choose the consultant you want to see, and when you want. They're with you every step of the way.

All of our consultants are of the highest calibre and benefit from working in our modern, well-equipped hospitals and clinics. They have high standards to meet, often holding specialist NHS posts and delivering expertise in complex sub-specialty surgeries. And many consultants have international reputations for their research in their specialised field.

Before your treatment

You have a formal consultation with a consultant ophthalmologist. During this time, you can explain your medical history, symptoms and raise any concerns that you might have.

We also discuss with you if any further diagnostic tests, like as scans or blood tests, are needed, and let you know if there are additional before we do them.

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Preparing for your treatment

Our dedicated team provide tailored advice to follow in the run up to your visit. And we aim to make your experience with us as easy and relaxed as possible.

The procedure

You’ll be given a local anaesthetic next to your eye or general anaesthetic.

After cutting the skin on the eye (conjunctiva) a small flap is made on the outer, white layer of the eye (the sclera). Then a small hole is made into the eye underneath it. This allows the natural aqueous fluid to drain out into a small pocket (bleb) on the surface of the eye, under the skin of the eye, under the upper lid and then it's absorbed into circulation.

At the end of surgery, which should last one hour, all the layers are closed with stitches. And you can go home.


In most cases, an eye pad and plastic shield is placed over your eye after surgery. The next day you can remove this dressing and put your drops as instructed. 

Follow ups

Even after you've been discharged, we're still looking after you every step of the way. We will want to see you the day after your procedure to see how you are doing and then for three follow up appointments.

Pain relief

Pain is unusual after this operation but your eye may feel tender. A mild pain reliever like paracetamol is usually enough to relieve any discomfort.. If you get sudden, severe or deep-seated pain,  please  report it  to us immediately using the number we gave you.

Recovery time

The recovery time is six to eight weeks. Most people can return to work after two weeks.

End results

Don’t be alarmed if the vision in your eye is worse than it was before the operation, this is normal. It can take up to eight weeks before your vision is the same as it was before. 

How your loved ones can help

You’ll need to arrange transport to and from the hospital or clinic. 

Why choose Spire?

We’re committed to delivering excellent individual care and customer service across our network of hospitals, clinics and specialist care centres around the UK. Our dedicated and highly trained team aim to achieve consistently excellent results. For us it's more than just treating patients, it's about looking after people.

Procedures carried out at one of our Spire Healthcare Clinics will be performed under local anaesthetic.

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