Our hands are vital to how we live and being able to carry out everyday tasks - from dressing and feeding ourselves to earning a living. At Spire Healthcare, we offer the latest treatments for conditions that affect the use of your hands and wrists.

Your consultant and their team will help you choose the most effective treatment and they will be there to support you every step of the way. If surgery is needed, we practice the least invasive procedures to enable a faster recovery time and get you back to doing what you love.

Find your nearest hospital

If you need a diagnosis or would like advice about your treatment options, find your nearest hospital to book an appointment with a Spire GP or to find a consultant.

Spire Manchester Hospital



Endocrinology – managing the hormones

Join us for a healthcare education session, with Dr Robert Moisey, Consultant in General Medicine, Diabetes and Endocrinology

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image for the event Endocrinology – managing the hormones


Free mini consultations with Cosmetic Consultant, Mr Abdul Kasem

Free mini consultations for Mr Abdul Kasem / Breast Augmentation / Cosmetic Surgery

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image for the event Free mini consultations with Cosmetic Consultant, Mr Abdul Kasem


Kidney stones, UTIs and Other Cautionary Tales (Primary Care Event)

Mrs Robyn Webber, Consultant Urologist, will be presenting an overview of Kidney stones, UTIs and Other Cautionary Tales.

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image for the event Kidney stones, UTIs and Other Cautionary Tales (Primary Care Event)

Featured articles

Four common hand conditions and their treatments

Your hands are complex structures, which include an intricate network of ligaments, bones and muscles.

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Bones and joints

Osteoarthritis of the hands and wrist

Osteoarthritis of the hands and wrist can be a painful and restrictive condition to live with.

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Bones and joints

Maintaining healthy joints with an anti-inflammatory diet

Inflammation is your body’s reaction to foreign substances, such as pollen, chemicals and microbes (eg bacteria, viruses and fungi).

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Bones and joints