Treatments affecting the back and neck

Often, the cause of back or neck problems is not possible to identify and pain will improve on its own in time.

However, if you have ongoing problems, we offer fast access to consultations and diagnostic tests and scans. You can get expert advice and treatment that's personalised to you and your needs, with as much aftercare as you clinically need.

Our consultants are experts in their field, offering treatments for a variety of conditions. Medical conditions causing back or neck problems that may benefit from treatment include:

  • Arthritis, for example ankylosing spondylitis - inflammation in your spine and other joints
  • A slipped or herniated disc - the soft cushion between two vertebra is pushing on a spinal nerve
  • Sciatica - compression of a nerve at the bottom of your spinal cord
  • Scoliosis - twisting or curvature of your spine, often starting in childhood
  • An injury

Back (spinal fusion) surgery

Watch how back surgery takes place